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How does it work?
Your local Library of Things will have a website with an online catalogue that you can browse through. First you will need to register for a membership online. If you don’t have access to a computer, they can help you register in person. Once signed up as a member you will be able to reserve items in the catalogue online, in advance. The first time you borrow you will need to bring some ID with a photo and proof of your address, and you will need to sign the borrower’s agreement and liability waiver. You can then borrow your item/s.
Why should I borrow instead of just buying it?
Save yourself some money - do you really need to own a drill that you use a few times a year? Save space - free up some cupboard space and let someone else worry about storing the stuff you hardly ever use. Reduce environmental impact - the things we use are made from finite resources, the longer we can keep items in use the better. Borrowing can also decrease the demand for new items in the first place.
Where do the items come from?
Most of the items in libraries of things are donated by people in the community. The items will be checked over to make sure they are safe and in good working order. Some of the libraries have had some grant funding to help pay for some newer items. If you have items at home that you would like to donate to your local Library of Things contact them directly. Generally your local Library of Things will only accept useful items in good condition, most will be picky but polite. Before donating ask yourself if you would want to use the thing in the condition that its in?
How much does it cost?
It will depend on your local Library of Things as they are all run independently. Some may charge a small membership fee to join, most offer a free membership. Loan fees are kept as low as possible – often considerably less than you would pay for the item second hand. (NB: For larger items there may be a small refundable deposit required.) The idea is to ensure borrowing is as accessible as possible to everyone in the community. Some Library of Things will offer the option to pay in volunteer time. Ask your nearest one what options they have available. The loan fees help with local ongoing running costs, including maintenance and spare parts for the items . One of Benthyg Cymru's core values is that borrowing should be available to everyone no matter the circumstances.
What happens if something breaks while I’m borrowing it?
Each Library of Things will have their own way of managing these situations without penalising borrowers but the most important thing is to be open and honest about any faults in an item you are returning so that it can be fixed and made safe for the next borrower. Sometimes an item will be beyond repair, in which case your local Library of Things will dispose of it, safe in the knowledge that it has been used and shared as much as it possibly could have been. Check out the terms and conditions or borrowers’ agreement on each Library of Things online borrowing platform to find out their specific policies.
What happens if someone doesn’t return an item?
This happens very rarely as most borrowers appreciate the sharing ethos that underpins the Benthyg Cymru network. In the unlikely event that someone doesn’t return an item, the Library of Things that they borrowed from will make every effort to contact them with reminders. If the member does not respond, it is likely to become a police matter. Check out the terms and conditions or borrowers’ agreement on each Library of Things online borrowing platform to find out their specific policies.
I want to borrow something but there is no Library of Things near me
Try asking your friends and neighbours, social media can be a great way to share things informally in your community. If you'd like to have a Library of Things near ask your elected representatives to contact us and we'll see what we can do. If you would like to set up a Library of Things in your area check out our Start Something page
How do I start a Library of Things?
The beauty of the network is that no 2 Library of Things are the same - some are run but community groups, some by local authorities, some by bigger organisations and partnerships. We have learnt that you need paid staff, volunteers and a space. In our experience few LoTs can survive being run solely on volunteers. This simple concept can become complicated but we're here to guide you through the steps and give you the support you need to not only set one up but to grow.
What methodologies and metrics to Benthyg use for reporting?
Benthyg Cymru collate and analyses borrowing data to provide an overview of outcomes. This data comes from its members who form the Library of Things Network across Wales. The data uses agreed-upon methods for calculating carbon and cost savings, based on research into similar programs. Measuring progress and outcomes, especially in the Circular Economy, is challenging and still developing and consistent measurement across Wales is essential to enable us to measure growth and understand trends. For more detailed information about how we analyse and report on outcomes, please see the link below:
https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/633adb49c6e89f506ab36888/673caadf4a075135ff389bb9_470ebdb0-4b09-4d9a-ae1b-f8749809cbae.pdfWhat is a library of things?
A Library of Things is a community space where you can borrow items for a small fee (the fee could be time, money or something else) – anything that you might need to use now and again. By signing up as a member of your local Library of Things, you can reduce the environmental impact of purchasing and owning items, as well as saving money and saving space. It's about sharing in your community - making use of the abundance of stuff we already have keeping things circular and in use for as long as possible, it's about meeting friends and neighbours and supporting each to live with less impact. It's about everyone having access to the things they need.
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